Have Gout? Stay Hydrated.

Photo of a glass of water.
Drinking water is critical for those with gout. Drink at least 1/2 a gallon a day (64 fl. oz or 2L).

Drink Water

For those with gout, water is one of the easiest and best treatments. The recommended minimum water consumption for those with gout is between 1/2 and 3/4 of a gallon (64-96 fl. oz. or 2-3L) of water each day. This can seem like a lot, but try to break it into 8 to 12 oz. size servings throughout the day.

Water helps to dilute uric acid, but its most important benefit is that it aids in excreting the acid. When the level of water in the body is low, the density of uric acid in the blood rises. Dehydration is one of the primary triggers for gout, so gout sufferers must pay close attention to their water consumption. So, put down the soda, juice or beer – and pick up the water.

Diet and Water Consumption for Gout

What you eat also plays a part in how much water intake is needed. For example, a diet high in meat is high protein and therefore high purine – and that means more uric acid. When the body is metabolizing meat and proteins, seven times as much water is needed for the kidneys to process the fats and proteins as compared to carbohydrates. So those with gout should be choosing carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

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